Print directly from Adobe Illustrator (CS4+)

I’ve used these settings on a Lexmark X4650, but it will do fine on other printers too, if you want to make sure all measurements resemble on paper.

Lexmark print dialog

  • Check off ‘print last page first’ (when using artboards things can get tricky)
  • Choose print quality

Illustrator print dialog

  • Media size: A4 borderless (do not use borderless printing in the Lexmark print dialog, it uses a slight resize)
  • Do not scale (make sure you use correct size on design, artboards can be resized easily with the artboard tool Shift + O)

Aan de slag met Mercury mail voor XAMPP

Om lokaal wat programmeerwerk als voorbereiding op een live omgeving te verrichten, is XAMPP de ideale omgeving. XAMPP komt pas echt tot zijn recht met de opstelling van een eigen mailserver (Mercury Mail) waarmee je lokaal het verzenden van mails kan testen.

De uitgebreide versie van XAMPP bevat zo’n SMTP service. Bij een eerste kennismaking word je overstelpt door een hele reeks vensters die kris kras op het scherm staan. Om hierin wat wegwijs te raken, is er een uitstekende videotutorial op YouTube:

Een van de belangrijkste zaken die je moet weten bij dit programma is dat voor quasi elke aanpassing het programma opnieuw moet opstarten omdat Mercury Mail in XAMPP geen service is!

De basisinstellingen

  • Configuration: volgende protocul modules aanvinken:
    • Mercury S SMTP server
    • Mercury P POP3 server
    • Mercury E, SMTP end to end client delivery client
    • Mercury D Distributing POP3 client,
    • Mercury I Iamp4 server
  • Configuration
    • Core module
    • Local domains > add local domain
      • Localhost
  • Configuration
    • Mercury S
    • Connection control
    • Uncheck “do not permit SMTP relaying of non-local mail”
  • Configuration
    • Mercury E
    • DNS Servers (open DNS):,
  • Configuration
    • Manage local users: een testgebruik definiëren
      Het is best dat je geen gebruik maakt van postmaster@localhost, omdat deze standaard alle foutberichten opvangt.
    • Username: root
      Personal name: root
      Password: pass

Het enige wat je nu nog moet doen is de configuratie van deze local mail account in je favoriete e-mailprogramma. Daarin volg je dezelfde werkwijze alsof je een remote mailserver zou aanspreken, maar bij de serversettings plaats je gewoon ‘localhost’.

De vooraf gedefinieerde accounts hebben volgende paswoorden:

  • Postmaster: Postmaster (postmaster@localhost)
  • Administrator: Admin (admin@localhost)

User: newuser
Password: wampp

Dealing with grids in Photoshop is a pain

With GuideGuide, it doesn’t have to be. Pixel accurate columns, rows, midpoints, and baselines can be created based on your document or marquee with the click of a button. Frequently used guide sets can be saved for repeat use. Grids can use multiple types of measurements. Best of all it’s free. Honestly, if you haven’t started downloading it by now, you’re probably a masochist. Weirdo…

Dodentocht 2011

Dodentocht 2011 – 12 augustus: Het zal twijfelen zijn tot het allerlaatste moment om mee te doen… Geen vrienden of kennissen dit jaar en ik weet uit ervaring dat het dat extra lastig maakt. Maar de dodentocht is toch een of ander vreemd virus dat begin augustus sluimerend naar boven komt en gaandeweg half augustus harder toeslaat. Het is nu nog exact 5 dagen en die korte tijd kan de twijfelachtige stemming eens te meer doen omslaan.
Continue reading “Dodentocht 2011”

Winamp, need to change your media library location?

Winamp screenshot 5.601

Face it, your library location might change over time. When you’re using Winamp and don’t won’t to loose all valuable data like play count, last play date, … you probably searched around hours to find a solution on how to change the location to your media library (e.g. you swapped hard drives, bought a new pc, …). Rescanning your media folder is the easiest way to rebuild your media library, but you’ll loose play count, play dates and maybe more meta data.

I’ve searched the winamp forum for solutions, but the only result was people asking the same questions without getting the right answers. Depending on your Winamp version you might have tried some none working plugins too. The logical solution would be exporting your winamp media library to an iTunes XML format (and the export process will work!), but you’ll run into fatal errors when trying to import it. It all boils down to getting access to the core data file of your winamp media library (main.dat) and updating an outdated location to a hard drive or directory that has been moved. Continue reading “Winamp, need to change your media library location?”

Delicious has a new owner — what this means for you

Just received an e-mail from Yahoo:

Yahoo! is excited to announce that Delicious has been acquired by the founders of YouTube, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen. As creators of the largest online video platform, Hurley and Chen have firsthand expertise enabling millions of consumers to share their experiences with the world. Delicious will become part of their new Internet company, AVOS.

What happens if you do not transfer your bookmarks

Delicious in its current form will be available until approximately July 2011.After that, you will no longer be able to use your existing Delicious account and will not have access to your existing bookmarks or account information.

Extending iPod support in WinAmp

This article is a continuation of ‘Moving your music library from iTunes to Winamp’

The standard distribution of Winamp already comes with basic functionalities for connecting iPod/iPhone devices. However, these features are really basic! Album art, smart playlists and ratings are not transferred.

The plugin ‘ml_ipod‘ enables such features (installation and configuration are self-explanatory). Compatibility should be checked with your device at the ml_ipod website, since Apple is not very happy with third party software.


Moving your music library from iTunes to Winamp.

It took me a long while to find a decent alternative for iTunes. First of all I wanted to get rid of Quicktime. It’s a player that really likes to hijack file associations. Still, I managed to live with that. Unfortunately the iTunes software keeps getting bigger with no benefit whatsoever. In my case I just need a mediaplayer (music player) for Windows that manages a music library and makes it easy to synchronize with my iPod Classic. I don’t need any other software stuffed down my throat containing drivers, connectors, features, ads,… for Apple hardware which I’m not planning to buy!

Moving from one player to another would be very easy if you hadn’t been upgrading like a good citizen into one of the latest iTunes releases where you followed the candytrail into the sealed fortress. Continue reading “Moving your music library from iTunes to Winamp.”