Add a date to a JPG in Lightroom

If you import JPG files or other images in Lightroom which haven’t been captured by a camera or lost EXIF and other timestamp data, you can add a capture time this way:

  1. Go to grid view
  2. Select one or more image thumbs
  3. Choose Metadata > Edit capture time…
    (there is also the option to automatically use the date when the file was created)
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Adobe Lightroom 4 tip: show filename in grid view

Normally in grid view only an index number is shown. When you hoover an image, you’ll see the filename and date taken/capture date. When selecting images based on filename this becomes a nightmare if you need to wait until the tooltip is showing.

Fortunately, there’s an option to show the filename in the grid view.

View > View options (ctrl + J) > tab Grid view “compact cell extras’ > check ‘Top label’ > choose copy name of file base name.