Winamp 5.666 change media library location

One of my previous posts guided you to the process of moving your library location from drive X to drive Y with the aid of a HEX-editor. This was tested for Winamp version 5.61. It was a rather complex approach, since iTunes XML import did not work in that version.

I have tested this again with Winamp version 5.666 and XML export/import works perfectly.

  • Make a backup copy of  your Winamp profile (c:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\Winamp\*)
  • Open Winamp
  • Remove everything from your current playlist
  • On the media library tab, click local library
  • Click Library button and export media database

Open the generated XML file, and with a program like notepad++, you can find & replace the <key>location</key> values to the new location. Save the file

  • Reopen Winamp
  • Remove everything in your library
  • Close and reopen Winamp
  • On the library button, choose import media database and point to the new XML file you created

That’s it!


2 thoughts on “Winamp 5.666 change media library location”

  1. Thanks for this, I was using an hex editor to try and edit the play count on some of my songs that I had to reimport. I used your method and changed them to what I wanted.

  2. Does this work for Media Library Playlists as well? I’ve accrued a ton of them and I want them to play the copied tracks that are on a duplicate Music folder on a hard drive (this so I don’t have to rebuild them from scratch). Is there a way to import or export playlist data?

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